I don’t know about you but I’m a collector by nature. I have collected all kinds of things in my time – but am currently without a collection. My last collection was coins, but I refused to buy them I could only get the ones I wanted in change (also I used to work in a shop where a lot of change passed my hands so that made things easier!) but since the pandemic paying in cash and handling money is frowned upon so I have decided to give up this collection for the meantime. I did collect penguin paperbacks for a while and have got some nice old copies but going to second-hand shops has been curtailed by the pandemic. So, I thought I’d have a look at the kinds of things other people collect with maybe an idea to collect something new in the future and look at the creative and brilliant ways people display their collections.
So if you need some inspiration of what to collect or you have a collection already but want a way to display it in your home then this post has got you covered. Some of the most mundane collections look like museum displays or art when displayed in a beautiful way.