A little under a year ago I found my old set of Tarot cards. I bought these as a teenager, they are an old mass-produced set that came with a book and are pretty ugly. I couldn’t find the book anywhere but was interested in asking the cards some questions. Lockdown was a pretty uncertain time for everyone, and I think I wanted to find some comfort in something external from myself, asking the universe seemed like a good way of doing this.
I’m actually glad I couldn’t find the book because it meant I found something better. This website and its tarot reading app was literally everything I could have asked for. It was beautifully designed and easy to use, and if I do buy a new deck in the future then I’ll probably buy these because they are so beautiful. (This is not a sponsored post by the way – I genuinely feel so lucky to have stumbled upon this beautifully designed concept – and the app is free).
This tarot set got me thinking about the art and design of the tarot card deck – it’s such a versatile medium with so much scope for great design that artists can use in such interesting ways – and this is what this blog post celebrates – the beautifully designed tarot cards available out there today. Whether you believe in tarot or not – I’m on the fence about the whole thing personally, the cards can be interesting to look at purely as art objects – you could even just frame a single one if you liked the artwork. Please enjoy this post where I share a whole range of different designs from around the world. Along with some tarot inspired gifts and interior décor ideas. I’ve also included some oracle and affirmation cards into the mix as some of these are really beautifully designed too.
There are also a few spreads for you to try if you have your own deck and some interesting articles on tarot and tarot related subjects.
I want to thank these sources for the spreads I have designed and shared with you;
Click images for links to sources. If I’ve featured a photo of yours and you’d like to re-link elsewhere or have me take this down please let me know by sending me an email using the form here…

How to Tune into Your Inner Wisdom with Tarot Cards
6 Ways to Use Affirmation Cards

How is Astrology and Tarot related?

How To Make And Sell Your Own Oracle Card Deck or Tarot Cards